I am faith. Listen. Do you hope for practicality? Simple sciences need no logical answers Wood and nails, fish, bread and kings, kings and kings. I know you hope for practicality, but I am epistemic. Listen children. Episteme is the game. But because and but because. But that is what you need, I am what you…
You are a dreamer and I am your poster child, Please look: Fish, bread and wine. Wallah! Everything you need, all answers with a bow.
(sometimes it is a lot easier when things are easy) Like, if you leave the light on, then you're not alone I am the light so don’t think. It’s Easy? Count your blessings one by one,
you see you're not alone. Think. Genesis, Yin and Yang, Existentialism. Whoa stop! This is what I am saying I am not technically technical, savvy or avant-garde So no, don’t think. I bare the crown of convention, my burden is necessity and the millions nurtured.
Filet de Bœuf Rossini à la Périgueux (Beef tenderloin coated with pâté de foie gras and duxelles, which is then wrapped in puff pastry and baked. The sauce is flavored with Madeira and truffle).
It's all about the tension Torqued just so tight Your voluptuous curves Oh, your hollow insight What you bring to the day Or awaken in night Breathing the voodoo fire On knees childlike
On all of your 21 steps Reverence so true That so many left abandoned To untimely à dieu With fortified callous To accomplish in time Like a high wire stumble A lone guitarist's crime
Planed by mortals crafted from Hard hands of God This wood and metal customed As a poor man's hot rod Tuned to the precision of Tones deemed succinct With the players from Woody To Herman Li like elite
Smooth to the touch cradled Like long lost lovers Between you and the sound There can be no other Stroking strings softly your grain on my lips Placing the last puzzle piece All surrounded by fifths
Leaned in the corner like some Pear split in half Your core bares the seeds Of what keeps me intact For it is from your release That i can soon atone This feeling of guilt For not leaving you alone Though there is much achieved By mastering such art It is what has always been Keeping us apart
So remember as I hold you in My tired arms this time To just listen to the sound Of notes singing rhymes
Sizzle like blood spilled on scorched earth   a plastic bag firestorm into such   puddles of water Sizzle like green leaves as tinder and the   hot smoke in your lungs Sizzle like my toes on the heater,   asleep on the floor Sizzle like red hot slag or the arc eye, you   with no cover Sizzle like the forgotten dawn giving way to the   high-noon asphalt, like the throne of Mahuika   and the furnace of Auschwitz Sizzle like young fingers grabbing for cookies,   the sweet with the sour Sizzle like the spent casing in a collar or   quick soles on a fire Sizzle like in the morning when all   marshmallows are gone and the bucket   is empty Sizzle like the arctic processing of a   once splendid tuber immersed in   rendered insulation Sizzle like a spark extinguished in flesh,   the fat popped on hands or   oven brushed forearms Sizzle like the sword of Vulcan plunged   to the depths of Poseidon, formed   by the trials of fire Sizzle like the hard traveled mind,   rambled and forlorn Sizzle like the junkie on the corner, the clouds   of napalm and the raining acid Sizzle like cleaning bricks, like milk in   my krispies, like the noxious fumes of a   garage born Vesuvius shadowed   by trifold poster boards Sizzle like radiation from the weapons   of Armageddon, like a licked thumb and   finger closing on a wick
Friends Who Forage
...and share their harvest are the very best kinds of friends. Finding
edibles in the woods is not my forte, fortunately Judy and Andy are very
good at it ...
February 23, 2015 Meeting
Lee DeHaan will talk about his work to develop Kernza, a new grain crop, at
The Land Institute in Salina, Kansas. Unlike all widely grown grain crops,
Tokyo Tales: $300 of sushi in 30 minutes
By Dave Arnold The Park Hyatt Hotel in Tokyo asked me to come over and make
Booker and Dax style cocktails at their New York Bar. Nastassia and I made